The cost of poorly-drafted building contracts

The importance of having a written contract is widely accepted in the building and construction (or any) industry. But are you putting in the time necessary to understand and document your negotiations so that your rights are protected by your building contracts?

An unresolved contractual dispute depletes time and resources and has potential to damage your reputation and your relationship with your Owner. Disputes can have a devastating effect on a building project and, if not resolved by negotiation between the parties, can escalate to a QCAT or Court or require QBCC’s involvement.

Determination of the dispute will turn to the contract between the parties and what it does (or does not) contain. The words of the contract will be scrutinised and terms that are poorly drafted and unclear or ambiguous can be the undoing of an otherwise valid argument.

Case study

Incomplete contract terms that lack explanation or process lead to uncertainty. This was the case in Port Macquarie-Hastings Council v Diveva Pty Limited [2017] NSWCA 97.

In 2011, Diveva entered into a contract for asphalt works with the Council, having successfully tendered in 2005 and 2008. The contract contained an ‘option clause’ which merely stated, ‘with a future twelve (12) month option available’.

There were issues regarding one of the projects undertaken by Diveva, with the Council claiming that Diveva had failed to comply with certain specifications under the contract. This matter remained unresolved at the time the Council notified Diveva that the Council would not be exercising the option and, instead, advertised for tenders for future works.

In reliance of the contract, Diveva purported to exercise the option and did not take part in any tendering process. No further contract was offered to Diveva and Diveva sued the Council for breach of contract.

In the proceedings, the Council claimed that the option could only be exercised unilaterally by the Council, not by Diveva. The Court disagreed.

The task of the Court was to determine in whose favour the option worked. In the absence of a clear term in the contract, the Court was required to look at the overall language used throughout the entire agreement and found that repeated use of the term ‘option’ was a commercial inducement to tenderers.

The Court stated that ‘…the 2011 agreement conferred an option upon Diveva which it could exercise unilaterally to extend the agreement for a further 12 month period’. 

Diveva was successful and awarded damages for loss of profits and opportunity.

The Council appealed, asserting that the option clause could only be exercised by it and the it alone.

The Appeal Court reached the same conclusion as the Court at first instance and the Appeal was dismissed.

In its judgment, the Appeal Court considered that interpretation of the real meaning in the contract relied on the words used and the parties’ intent and purpose and found that there was an inference throughout the agreement that the Council would offer further work to successful tenderers. The words ‘option’ and ‘available’ were used repeatedly in both the agreement and the tender request which, according to the Appeal Court, deemed the option capable of being exercised by Diveva unilaterally.

The Appeal Court also noted that the option clause provided no qualifying matters, so the Council’s allegations of the non-complying work would not prevent Diveva from exercising the option. The Appeal Court considered that, but for the disputed works, there was a strong likelihood that the Council would have awarded a further contract with Diveva, given its track record, previous dealings and knowledge of Council works.

Key points

As the option clause was silent as to the time, method and parties’ respective rights to exercise it. The Courts were required to determine the true meaning of the clause by looking at the intent of the parties and the language used elsewhere in the agreement.

This may have been avoided if the option clause was drafted to provide how and when the option could be exercised, in what circumstances and by whom. Had the Council required the option to be exercised only unilaterally, then that could have been included in the clause.

Keep in mind the following points to ensure that your building contracts are rock solid:

  1. Your construction contract should be negotiated, prepared and reviewed with assistance of an experienced construction lawyer. Money spent now can protect your business against loss down the track.

  2. Read your construction contract so you know what it provides. Highlight the terms that you don’t understand and ask for them to be explained.

  3. Construction projects often comprise several contracts – these need to align and, where relevant, reflect reciprocal obligations and rights. Pay attention to timelines, completion dates and extension and delay clauses.

  4. Use precedent contracts carefully - ensure the fields that are likely to vary from project to project are highlighted so that important information can be populated. Don’t rely on the precedent alone – read the entire contract for each project for relevance and completeness.

  5. It is easy for important terms to be overlooked or formatting errors to occur when using precedent contracts, particularly if prepared by staff who are unfamiliar with their contents. Appointing a precedent custodian to supervise access to precedent contracts will help minimise some of these issues.


Poorly-drafted contracts can have unforgiving results, and knock-on effects to subsequent building projects.


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